De-clutter my home & mind

Step by step home clean out plus feng shui tips & low tox cleaning recipes as a bonus! Clear your spaces & help clear your mind!

Course Summary

 It's time to ditch the clutter and free up space in your mind! It's a well known fact that if your space around you is messy and not in order, you are more likely to be unorganized and stressed.
I love teaching people many techniques on how to bring stress levels down and I have found over the years, the environment in which people function in has a lot to do with the level of stress in their lives.

In this course, you are taken through 20 spaces in your home to de-clutter and clean. Each space you will have a very short video plus a step-by-step action sheet on how to clear out that space.
You will also receive a master check list so you can check each space off because doesn't it feel amazing to do that!
You will also receive a bonus cleaning recipe guide so you can begin to clean the spaces in your home without nasty chemicals!
You will also have access to a Facebook community group where you will be able to get inspiration from many others in the group!

Tara Ailam

Thank you so much Kylie for inspiration and motivation in tidying and decluttering my home! My life is so much better than it was 20 days ago!

Rebecca Croxford

Loved this challenge, I'm feeling so much more organised. 

Kylie Witherden

My name is Kylie Witherden, and I’m a Nutritionist, Integrative Health Practitioner & Boutique owner.

I work with women to help them feel beautiful inside and out with women's fashion, quality supplements and clean beauty!

I have almost 20 years experience of connecting women together and these days I do that with in store workshops and online courses and communities. 

I am passionate about sharing knowledge on all things hormones, gut health, nutrition and healthy habits plus helping women feel confident and beautiful every day.

x Kylie

'Keeping you beautiful inside and out.'

Course Pricing

One time payment

$19 AUD

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