Align your life with your cycle for optimal wellness!

Course Summary

Master your menstrual cycle and live in harmony with your body.

This bundle includes:

-A guide to the 4 phases of your cycle with tips on what to focus on and avoid.

-Cycle specific recipes and ingredients to support your body in each phase.

-A simple, 'do more & do less' checklist to match your energy needs.

Feel ENERGIZED, BALANCED & IN CONTROL every day of the month!

Course Curriculum

Kylie Witherden

My name is Kylie Witherden, and I’m a Nutritionist, Integrative Health Practitioner & Boutique owner.

I work with women to help them feel beautiful inside and out with women's fashion, quality supplements and clean beauty!

I have almost 20 years experience of connecting women together and these days I do that with in store workshops and online courses and communities. 

I am passionate about sharing knowledge on all things hormones, gut health, nutrition and healthy habits plus helping women feel confident and beautiful every day.

x Kylie

'Keeping you beautiful inside and out.'

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

mastering your cycle one time price

$17 AUD

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